Metropolitan Washington Experiences Rise in Alcohol and Drug-Related Traffic Fatalities, Injuries, and Crashes
Metropolitan Washington Experiences Rise in Alcohol and Drug-Related Traffic Fatalities, Injuries, and Crashes Alcohol and/or [...]
Metropolitan Washington Experiences Rise in Alcohol and Drug-Related Traffic Fatalities, Injuries, and Crashes Alcohol and/or [...]
Greater Washington Law Enforcement Lauded For Fight Against Drunk Driving 26th ANNUAL EVENT HONORS LOCAL [...]
A Record-Shattering Over 1,300 Use Local SoberRide® Program Over Halloween Weekend DC AREA’S DUI PREVENTION [...]
Free Halloween Weekend Lyft Rides Offered Throughout Greater Washington to Prevent Drunk Driving NEARLY HALF [...]
Virginia Launches Annual DUI Enforcement and Public Education Campaign: Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over [...]
Nearly 450 Use Local SoberRide Program on Independence Day DC AREA’S DUI PREVENTION EFFORT REMOVES [...]
Nearly 800 Use Local SoberRide Program on Cinco de Mayo DC AREA’S DUI PREVENTION EFFORT [...]
Summer Months Usher in Deadliest Period for Teen Drivers Greater Washington Nonprofit Urges Parental Involvement [...]
Over 900 Use Local SoberRide Program on St. Patrick’s Day DC AREA’S DUI PREVENTION EFFORT [...]
Free St. Patrick's Day Lyft Rides Offered Throughout Greater Washington to Prevent Drunk Driving NEARLY [...]