Free St. Patrick’s Day Weekend Lyft Rides Offered Throughout Greater Washington to Prevent Drunk Driving
Free St. Patrick's Day Weekend Lyft Rides Offered Throughout Greater Washington to Prevent Drunk Driving NEARLY HALF OF U.S. TRAFFIC DEATHS ON PATRICK’S DAY INVOLVE DRUNK DRIVERS Tysons. VA, March 3 -- Preparing to combat that time of the year when, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, nearly half (45%) of U.S. traffic deaths involve drunk drivers, a local nonprofit organization announced today that free safe rides will be offered to would-be drunk drivers throughout the Washington-metropolitan area during this month’s St. Patrick’s Day weekend. Offered by the [...]
230 Use Inaugural Super Bowl SoberRide Campaign
230 Use Inaugural Super Bowl SoberRide® Campaign DC AREA'S NEWEST DUI PREVENTION EFFORT REMOVES POTENTIAL DRUNK DRIVER FROM AREA ROADWAYS NEARLY EVERY TWO-MINUTRES DURING THIS MONTH'S NFL FINALE Tysons, VA, February 24-- 230 persons in the Washington-metropolitan area used the free safe ride service, SoberRide®-- offered for the first time ever during this year's NFL Super Bowl (February 9-10) as opposed to possibly driving home drunk. Offered by the nonprofit Washington Regional Alcohol Program (WRAP), the inaugural 2025 Super Bowl SoberRide® program was in operation beginning at 8:00 p.m. on [...]
Inaugural Super Bowl SoberRide Campaign Launched to Prevent DUI in Greater Washington
Inaugural Super Bowl SoberRide® Campaign Launched to Prevent DUI in Greater Washington MORE THAN ONE-THIRD OF U.S. TRAFFIC DEATHS DURING SUPER BOWL INVOLVE DRUNK DRIVERS Tysons, VA, January 27-- Preparing to combat that time of year when, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration figures, more than one-third (39%) of U.S. traffic deaths involve drunk drivers,* a local nonprofit organization announced today that free safe rides will be offered to would-be drunk drivers throughout the Washington-metropolitan area during next month's Super Bowl LIX. Offered by the nonprofit Washington Regional [...]
Over 2,200 Use Local SoberRide® Program Over Winter Holidays
Over 2,200 Use Local SoberRide® Program Over Winter Holidays DC AREA’S DUI PREVENTION EFFORT REMOVES POTENTIAL DRUNK DRIVER FROM AREA ROADWAYS EVERY 19-SECONDS ON NEW YEAR'S ALONE Tysons, VA, January 7 – Over 2,200 (2,202) persons in the Washington-metropolitan area used the free safe ride service, SoberRide®, during the recent winter holidays (December 13, 2024 through January 1, 2025) as opposed to possibly driving home drunk. “For its hours of operation on New Year’s alone, this level of ridership translates into SoberRide® removing a potential drunk driver from Greater Washington’s [...]
Governor Glenn Youngkin Reminds Virginia Motorists of Stepped-Up Law Enforcement Efforts to Prevent Drunk Driving this Holiday Season
Governor Glenn Youngkin Reminds Virginia Motorists of Stepped-Up Law Enforcement Efforts to Prevent Drunk Driving this Holiday Season (The following is a reprinted news release originally issued by Virginia Governor’s Office on December 19, 2024. WRAP serves as project director of the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles’ “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign.) RICHMOND, VA – As part of Virginia’s “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign, Governor Glenn Youngkin is reminding Virginians to plan a safe ride home if their holiday plans include alcohol citing stepped-up efforts by [...]
Greater Washington Law Enforcement Lauded for Fight Against Drunk Driving
Greater Washington Law Enforcement Lauded for Fight Against Drunk Driving 27th ANNIVERSARY EVENT HONORS LOCAL POLICE IN FIGHT AGAINST DUI Tysons, VA, December 13 -- Seventeen (17) Washington-metropolitan area police officers were cited today for their “outstanding commitment in the fight against drunk driving in Greater Washington” and presented with the area’s 27th-anniversary “Law Enforcement Awards of Excellence for Impaired Driving Prevention.” Bestowed this morning at a regional ceremony held in McLean, Virginia, the nonprofit Washington Regional Alcohol Program (WRAP) presented its 2024 Law Enforcement Awards to: Officer Whitney Watts-Cerrato [...]
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WRAP is a nonprofit [501(c)(3)], public-private partnership working to prevent drunk driving and underage drinking in the Washington-metropolitan region.